Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thanks to you

Thank you. It is one of those phrases that I don't think is said enough. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe it's we world we live in these days, maybe it's assumed people know or maybe it's just forgotten. So I'm standing up and saying "THANK YOU", and in the spirit of giving thanks I've decided to offer a special something each month as my thanks to all of you.

Each month you could win a product from 'Lil Things

Something for nothing? Yes, absolutely! Why? Because it's my way of saying thanks to each and everyone of you who support 'Lil Things. Ohhhh, I can almost hear you say it - "What's the catch?". There is none, I'm just giving a 'lil bit of love back. After all if it weren't for you, all my lovely customers and those that support the brand there would be no 'Lil Things.

It's as easy a 1, 2, 3
  1. Follow us on Facebook (easy! Click "like" on 'Lil Things)
  2. Head to this blog & find the "Thanks to you" post
  3. Comment under blog post "I like 'Lil Things (& your full name)
That's it, easy! The winner will be randomly selected and announced on my blog. You can only comment once each month, but remember there is a new "Thanks to you" each month...follow us on Facebook, I'll post the blog link for you each month to enter. Like it? I hope so!

This month you could win a "Cosy" scarf from the reversible range

Once again, THANK YOU, and until next time....

~ Live ~ Love ~ Laugh ~ Breathe ~ Believe ~

Love D

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An end to the week filled with "firsts"

Well, you can definitely say life around here is NEVER boring! What an end to the week, here's hoping next week is rather uneventful (I sometimes long for a mundane "groundhog day" kinda life).

Busy getting back into the swing of things....looking at my business 'Lil Things, visiting a stockist (The Coffee Apple in East Ringwood), developing more stock ideas for the "Winter Wonderland" range for 2011 and looking at market opportuntiues and yes, that's right, that little thing called life just keeps on keeping on.

After battling a bit of flu & a sinus infection for over a week I deicided it was time to take myself back to the doctor's only to be tested for whooping cough! Still wating for the results, and fortunately with a sensible doctor have also been put on antibiotics as a precationary measure. Here's some facts I found out at the same time at  my visit::
  • Australians are vaccinating their children less these days
  • Victoria has the highest rate out of all our states and territories for not vaccinating their children
  • Currently there has been over 6,000 cases in Victoria of whooping cough (pro-rata that puts us on par with a third world nation!)
For more information on whooping cough go to the Better Health Channel website: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Whooping_cough

So life for me here has come to a grinding halt, well at least from a social perpective anyways.

Moving on from me, I noticed Thursday and Friday night my beautiful 'Lil Mr was scratching his head a little. Uh-oh, that can't be good! A few quick head checks (yes, he started school this year) and seemed all ok. That was until Saturday lunch-time. Autistic or not he is my eldest child, so the fun of things like head lice had not yet been experienced in this household. Needless to say during lunch on Saturday, and just before I was taking him off to ABA, did I see a little rash around the nape of his neck. Oh-no...another quick once over and yes there it was, that awful thing called head lice or nits. The very word makes my skin crawl and I feel the sudden urge to scratch my own head.

I think my chemist must love me, it was the 3rd time in as many days that I'd been up to purchase from them (it's little wonder they all know me by name LOL!). Armed with the neccessary equipment it was back home to cut my 'Lil Mr's hair and get right to the source of problem - he has the most amazing locks, super thick dark hair and hates having it cut (which suits me fine as I do it) but it needed to be done before I could even consider applying any treatment.

One down and one to go...time to check my 'Lil Miss too, and no surprise, she had the start of it. YUK! More solution, more combing & more washing. At least that filled in Saturday whilst I was in "lock down".

Those of you that have children will appreciate the last "first" for the weekend, especially if your child/ren are in primary school. The historic moment when your child loses their first baby tooth! I think parents fall into one of two mindsets. It makes some of us laugh (me - I remember doing all sorts of things that would freak my parents out, like wiggling them, twisting them and the such) OR the others become squirmish like my 'Lil Mr's Dad (he freaked out good and proper!). My little boy is growing up, he has that devislish "I'm missing a tooth" grin which is odd particularly when I can still clearly see in my mind his gorgeous baby gummy smile.

Amongst all the mayhem, madness & firsts I still managed to finish two new items that are being added to the range so when the new day dawns I will add some photos for you all to see. But in the meantime it's goodnight from me, so until next time...

~ Live ~ Laugh ~ Learn ~ Breathe ~ Believe ~

Love D