Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Playing along with Wordless Wednesday...
this one made me smile, so excited and did such a good job!
All smiles for my 'Lil Miss on 1st day of ballet

~ Live ~ Love ~ Laugh ~ Breathe ~ Believe ~


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another day...

Another day, Tuesday, and what an upside-down-topsy-turvy kinda day it was! Here's why....

Last day of school holidays
I love spending time with my 'Lil Mr and 'Lil Miss, but as any parent knows the school holidays are exhausting!

Entertaining two young children can be challenging at the best of times, a roller-coaster of fun yes, but throw Autism in the mix and the bar is raised. Yes, Autism....that can put a completely different spin on life. Don't get me wrong, I love my beautiful man more than I could ever express, he has taught me so much about life AND myself on this journey on the "A-train" but phew! Mummy needs a holiday!

So what did I do "for a break" on this final day? Why I took my darling 'Lil Miss for a quick shopping expedition. Quite possibly not my brightest idea, particularly as I've been out flat with flu & what-not for the last 5 days, compounded with people manically shopping, kids screaming, frazzled parents everywhere and me with an almost 3 year-old in tow doing what she does best (shouldn't complain, she gets her determination from me LOL). So when the going gets tough, Mummy calls a time out so we can stop for a treat in order to calm, collect & sit for a mo' whilst I grab myself a yummy coffee.....ahhhhhhh bliss!

coffee heart art by Judith Bartos on

And then there was...
Calm, mostly, and home again. With one child (thankfully!) sleeping & the other digging in (read - digging up) the garden it's time to grab some 'Lil Things time, scribble out some new ideas & check in on the Facebook world and BANG! It almost slaps me in the face.

There it was, another competitor page who had launched their "unique" reversible product. SLAP! Ouch! One of my products, copied. I know it happens, see it far too much, and then there is was again....SLAP! SLAP! Not only was the product idea copied but the copy I use to market the very product was too. Grrrrrr.
Yes folks, this is one of my biggest gripes. Sure, there's many players in the market (handmade or otherwise) so there always will be similarities but the blatant use of "selling" their concept their product in the manner as guessed it, I was not happy!

What does one do in times like these? Time to call my mum. You're never to old to need your mum. So buoyed by her words, and those of other 'Lil Things likers (yes, had a little whinge there too) the day moves onwards and upwards.

The day draws to a close
A peaceful dinner, well as peaceful as can be with two cheeky monkeys, then pride. My 'Lil Mr eating, using his fork, managing mostly by himself just prompted verbally, no shoveling food too fast, just calm with his sister by his side cheering him on as I do & giving him high 5's. 

These are the small victories, the moments where my heart swells with pride, simple milestones others may take for granted....yes, in the end it was another day but it ended in such a good way.

Time to say 'til next time, so until then...

~ Live ~ Love ~ Laugh ~ Breathe ~ Believe ~


Monday, April 25, 2011

And so it begins...

Same old story, so much to do so little I've decided to finally put pen to paper (so to speak) and launch my blog.
What's it all about? Well, it's basically my journey through life. How interesting you find it, well I guess that depends on what you expect and how long you decide to follow my journey for. Either way, I hope you enjoy the ride.
So here I am, a 30-something mother of two children - my beautiful 'Lil Mr, who is autistic and my darling 'Lil Miss. In a life B.C (before children) I was a marketing/business development manager, and these days stay-home mum and owner/designer of 'Lil Things-made with love which is a business that was born in July 2010.
I have a passion for beautiful things, whether they be simple like flowers picked on a walk with my 'Lil Miss or finding (& creating!) gorgeous handcrafted items. I LOVE chocolate and a great cup of coffee, catching up with family and friends. The very simple act of laughing with people is another favourite pastime and I believe highly under-rated, but more on that another time...
There has always been a creative outlet in my life - from oil painting and pottery, the various musical instruments I've mastered like flute, piano, saxaphone & voice, or be it even cooking up a storm in the kitchen - creating seems to run through my veins.
But enough for now, the dinner hour is looming, so until next time
~ Live ~ Love ~ Laugh ~ Breathe ~ Believe ~
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget"